Landslide, New Moon, & Solar Eclipse

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Hello, hello, hello! It has been a little too long since our last update or even a post here on the site for Saturn Returns Publishing. For that, the Bookats and I apologize. We’ve been plugging away on several projects of late. Including the final edits for Philipp J. Kessler’s third book in the Dark of the Moon, New Beginnings series. Landslide is due out in Kindle format on August 21st.

We were not intending for Landslide to come out on such an auspicious day. August 21st is not only the August new moon, it is the solar eclipse! SRP and Mr. Kessler are located on the path of totality for that celestial event. What a way to launch his longest novel to date! Continue reading

April Fool Launch of Backfire

today is the dayToday is the day! Dark of the Moon, New Beginnings Vol 1: Backfire goes live on Kindle! Saturn Returns Publishing and author Philipp J. Kessler are very excited about this release. It is Philipp’s first novella and the beginning of a several volume series of shorts and novellas to be released about once a month for the foreseeable future.

The Kindle edition has been available for pre-order for about a week now. It is also available in paperback through Amazon and will be available soon through CreateSpace and other online retailers. Signed paperbacks can be purchased through the author or by backing him on Patreon.

To celebrate the release of Backfire, Philipp is hosting a seven hour author takeover and release party on Facebook. He’s got a wonderful line up authors from several genres to entertain and delight the readers and fans who drop in for a little bit of fun. With an April Fools theme it should prove to be a lot of fun!

Author Line-Up – All times are CentralBackfire Kindle ad

3pm: RevKess – Philipp Kessler – launch the event
4pm: Andy Peloquin
5pm: Kayla Kirby
6pm: Rebekah Dodson
7pm: Sarah Buhrman – Author
8pm: Courtney Cannon
9pm: Heather Marie Adkins
10pm: Diane Morrison (Sable Aradia)

There will also be games and giveaways from some of these very same authors. Drop in and have some fun, maybe win something, and just have a fab April Fools’ Day!

A Fool & His Writing: an April Fools’ Day Author Takeover

Backfire Pre-Order.pngWe’re less than a week away from the official launch of Philipp J. Kessler’s first novella from SRP. Philipp will be hosting a short author takeover and release party on Facebook on April 1st to celebrate. You are all invited to join in the fun. There will be games, giveaways, and LOTS of author talk throughout the evening.

Here’s a little teaser to get you going:

Sandra opened the window a crack to let a bit of fresh air into the room. The incense smoke swirled in the breeze as it was sucked out the window. As the air cleared she blinked the smoke from her own eyes.

“Well that sucked,” she muttered under her breath. “Back to square one.” She pushed her hair away from her forehead, brushing the sweat away from her brow.

She looked about the now smoke free room and sighed. Picking up the athame she began to put her ritual and spell tools away. Sandra put each tool into its place in the box she pulled out from under the altar table. The wand, the incense burner, and the athame each had a special compartment in the ornately carved oak box. As she put the pentacle plate and the bowl into their pouches she gazed into her own reflection in the blade of the boline. Continue reading